| Oh how Home Alone always makes me feel like im a tween again! Greetings from the desk of one Miss Leah Watson. Thats right, my cube, if you will, is the site of this blog. Im on lunch break. I have all the time in the world right now to write because, well, Im anorexic. Its this new idea Ive come up with, seems to be pretty successful so far. If you dont count the hunger pangs and drop in body temperature, its a pretty pleasant diet! Ok, ok, fine. As much as id love to join the anorexia nervosa community on myspace, Im too chicken. By that I mean I like to eat chicken. ANd other foods. Which makes me a failure at anorexia. Oh well, just mark it off the "Things Im Not Very Good At" list, right underneath "Sports", "cooking", and "Being capable of envoking human emotion". I was sitting here (verrry busy...ah-em) and thinking about my life. It hit me that this year alone, Ive made tons of changes/improvements to myself. They never hit me as they were happening, but now I can look back and see that I have been making great strides toward becoming a real-live...adult. (Excuse me, this is hard, i need a moment...*breathe...breathe*) Ok, Im good now. I guess they say every 7 years your body changes, and by 28 you have changed into the shiny adult-model of a human being that your parents have been longing for since you were shitting in diapers and whining everytime you couldnt get a candy bar in the store. Oh yeah, and since they found that bong that you insisted was a "vase" when you were 16. I guess the theory could be right. Youre brand spankin new when youre a baby, and I did notice at 7 I was becoming wayyy more intuitive (and by this I mean I knew what Barbie was gonna want to wear even before she did!). Then at 14, there were of course puberty changes (tiny boobs) but also I began to write. Poetry with my sister Bailey, this thing called "The Story" with my best friend Julie (which has never been spoken of til now). Then theres the age of 21, where, of course, we all start to bar-hop (the respectable people do) and revert back to a time of crying with your skirt in the air in public and going boy crazy (I guess at this time we revisit age 7 and 14, just for a recap). And now Im approaching, reluctantly and with great kicking and screaming, 28, where apparently another change will come into play. I see this already happening, and I will now display some of the changes Ive made and the reasons why I think Im becoming an adult: Donia: Obviously this was a huge change in my life, but a good one nonetheless. Being honest with yourself and standing up for something you believe is a sign of adulthood in that, before growing up, we feel we need to please everyone with everyhting, even if this means sacrificing ourselves. I could get more into this, but its not the time. This is a good one-on-one convo if you ever want my philosophy on my life. Seattle: I love RI, I love the friends and family I have there. I love the life I built. I also (finally) love that I could step outside of that, just for a time, and see other stuff. Other people. Other streets and trees and grass. And another ocean. It will always be cool to say "I lived there once". New cultures and philosophies are interesting and shouldnt be taken for granted... New Job: I am very happy about this change because I actually feel like all the money that will (eventually) go to my student loans will be worth it. Its nice to use my head in a different way now. I would like to stick with the 9-5 also. Those who have always worked that sched just dont appreciate it enough! $$$: This one is two-fold because not only did I take a harsh paycut taking on a new job field, but I also, even before the job change, learned to save $$$ like never before. When I decided in June to move at the end of August, I had to get my ass in gear and figure out a way how. How stupid I have been all these years. The restaurant was a cash cow, and I blew it all on clothes and bars and crap. I did, however, enjoy these nights out in my new clothes with my friends and all the crap, but I now see that I wasnt really thinking ahead. I thought I’d freak out when I learned of the money Id be making here, but then I remembered that I dont buy anyhting anymore. No unnecessary purchases to just stack around the house or shut away in a closet. I am very happy with this lifestyle change, and I encourage others to look at themselves and see what they could eliminate from their consumerism habits. Trust me, saving is actually more fulfilling than new shoes you only wear once... Speaking of shoes: I wear flat shoes now. If you knew me ever you knew that my shoes were tall and big and Id have it no other way. Flash forward to the ankle injury. Flats for a year, and now, theyve stuck. Im currently in the market for some sensible work shoes (never thought those words would come out of my mouth!) Nightlife: I used to go out every Saturday night, no exceptions, and spend a ton at the bar. Then there were also random Miller’s nights, which cost another $20 bucks each week. Now its like out-to-eat once a month and the bar once a month. Occasionally there are random happy hour nights, but its been cut down considerably. (Not being sloppy drunk in bars every night may be the reason why I have no friends here, though.) As far as friends: Well, recently there have been some changes made to the relationships I held back home. Being away from everyone and everything you know causes you to hold on to certain people, those who are most important. Somehow the others fall away. Myspace has really helped me stay in touch, and thank God cuz I hate the phone. I text some people, call a very few, and even write handwritten letters to one! Myspace is most of it though. I just had to let go of some of the bullshit and figure out who, when I took the time out, I wanted to spend time on. YMCA (not the dance): The gym is slowly starting to become part of our lives. We feel great every time we go. I cant wait to see changes in my body and mind (and jeans)...all I know is I never wanna be older and unhealthy. Its not worth it. TV: I have considerably cut down on TV. I cant stress considerably enough! I went from the peak high of TV watching (when I was hurt and unable to drive for months) to the lowest of low (right now). With a 9-5 you dont see TV in the day, I dont get up early enough to see it in the AM, and at night I like to spend time with Donia, we cook, and read and workout and things like that. I watch the shows I really wanna watch only---this includes L WOrd, LOST, A.I. (though Im losing momentum and am giving this up), Biggest Loser (its my first season and I love it), and Jeopardy. Wheel of Fortune sometimes, too, but we dont enjoy that as much. Sometimes when Im bored Ill put the TV on, but seeing as we have more things to do, and a lot less channels than ever, its not a priority anymore. Music: Im trying to open up to new music, but its hard for me. I like the familiar. Ive recently forced myself to take CDs out from the library and force-feed them into my ears. Dialect: Not many people say I have an accent, unless Im upset or worked up, then it emerges slowly. I now like to say fun words like "F" and "whatevs". Its cool to cut words short now, and Ive taken to it with open arms. PM: I go to bed so early now! I cant even believe it myself. The Applebees days kept me up til 2 or 3 AM every night, whether I was working or just hanging out or even home alone! Now, 10 PM and you can stick a fork in me. Im done with the day. On to the next, I say!!! Im at the point in my life, I hate to admit, where Im not a Rockstar anymore. That was our term when wed want our friends to stay out late and party. "But I have to work at 8" "Come on, youre fine, be a rockstar!" And we all would oblige...every time. No one wanted to fail at being a Rockstar. Now, Im woman enough to admit "Im getting up at 7:30, and I dont want to be tired!" (Loser...) Reading, Writing, and Movies: We have Netflix, and in order to fulfill Donia’s "Get more for your money" philosophy, we are forced to watch them promptly, and return them just so we can get more. I dont even think she enjoys them, just has to check them off her list. I was never a movie person, but it is a fun way to spend an evening sometimes, in the comforts of your home with a glass of wine and Chihuahua cuddled in your lap. I write more now ever since I was jobless. I still dont think its great, but hey, a few of you do, and thats cool with me. I have started to look up a lot of blogs, too, and read the work of others. I love it. Who knows, maybe some day therell be a tell-all book (watch out!) I read a lot now becasue I want a better vocab and wanna see peoples’ styles of writing. I also wanna do something that makes me feel like Im being productive, which reading does. My library card is my friend, my only friend, and I love him! A small update, one for my mom: I eat cream cheese and crax still, but I have switched from Town House crax to Wheat. Not as good, but better for me. :) Things I would Like to Change But Havent Yet: Learn to type like a grown up Meet new people at work Find a church around here and go Volunteer with the elderly MAke friends!!!!!!! If any of the things in this blog interest you, comment. Ill answer, if Im not too busy reading and/or watching movies I never wanted to see in the first place.. |