Monday, March 10, 2008
If my point is that I dont have a point, do I then have a point and not have a point at the same time? (something I thought of while in the shower. Wecome to my brain...I suggest you dont stay too long...) Its been a while since Ive written a blog about nothing in particular (aka rambled), so here goes. Id like to thank Starbucks for this [overpriced] cup of coffee, providing me enough caffeine to get thru the morning, as well as this blog... First order of business is last nights dream. I had a crazy amount of dreams last nioght, but the one I remember the best is that I was watching TV and saw a reporter some on and say Justin Timberlake was missing, and that hed been murdered. I was so sad at that moment! I searched this weird house for anyone to talk to because I was so devasstated. I found some kids. So...flash forward to real life, I just told this dream to my friend (not sister) Kara and this was her response: "Justin Timberlake will never die...they will freeze him next to walt disney so that they could eventully find a way to bring sexy back. " Genius! Pure fucking genius! I am kicking myself (which is hard to do, try it) that I didnt think of it first. Kudos, Kara, kudos... I am at "work" right now (I will continue to use quotes until I actaully start becoming busy). Ive spent the morning reading blogs and looking up new blogs I could get into. Right now I love this blog Shes funny, a good writer, and shes the girl who recaps the L WOrd every week. Check her out if you want something [with more quality than my stuff] to read. Ive yet to write a fan letter to her because I need to spend time thinking up the perfect comments. Dont wanna be too crazy, but wanna give her the props she deserves. This guy is cool too... This weekend was very low key, which is what Im always a fan of. We have been going to the Y now like good girls, trying not to skip a day (and if we do, deciding on a make-up day). So we worked out Saturday. And by work out, I mean we started with some good ole fashioned street-nasty hoop! (Basketball, for you less hip kids). The courts were empty, so I said lets play! We had a small game of one on one, most of the game consisting of us arguing over what the rules were, me "checking" the ball every time I felt it necessary, and pretty much me schooling her! (Translation, I beat her). 5 to 1. Not bad for someone who hasnt played since 6th grade. We sure were sweatin, so as a cool down, we played a classic game of horse. In the end, we both walked off the court HOs... We then went upstairs to the cardio center and did like 20 more minutes up there. Weve decided the bike is boring, the elliptical fun. We ran on the treadmill at a speed of 4, which was frightening at first. I was just waiting for one of us to go flying off the back in a classic treadmill-throws-girl-into-wall sort of scene. Though I didnt want to see her hurt, I was hoping for a good laugh! (oh well...) After that we filled our weekend with none other than a bad-ass trip to the library. Now were ballin! (translation: sarcasm that we are indeed nerds and not cool). Did you know that the library has CDs that you can check out? This ultimately means you can take em home, stick em on your iPod and gain!!!!!!! Sweet deal! Im going to do some CD research right after this blog. I suggest you music/iPod buffs do the same... Our final activity of the weekend (I know youre waiting with anticipation) was a trip to Kerry park in the beautiful, ritzy and affluent neighborhood of Queen Anne. Well, leave it to us, and by us I mean Donia of course, to take a bus, but not the best bus, to the park. We end up off the bus, only knowing where we were going by the direction of the pointed finger our bus driver provided us with. So, walking in that general direction on nothing but a wing and a prayer, and with great trepidation, we see a girl unloading something from her trunk. Donia says excuse me, we are looking for Kerry park, and the girl gives us this serious look and says "Will you lift one end of this please...". She said it like it would be our payment for her directions! Donia obliged, and then she said, all serious" Ok, you are pretty far and will need to truck it up that hill about 6 blocks. ummmm...see that guy wayyyyyyy up there, you have to go up those steps and then its to the left". Ok, so weve got our directions, but there are 101 problems with this whole scene. First off: 1. She was strange. And what she needed help with Donia said was actually very light. I hate wussy girls. 2. The hill she pointed to was about an 80 degree angle. The stairs that we saw the man on (we pretended to see the man becasue it was that far and are both blind as bats) was a 90 degree angle. We were fucked. 3. There was a bus that took us all the way up the hill and dropped us right near the park. We did not opt to take that bus. We suck. So we start out on our journey and have no water or snacks. I had to actually stop at one point during one of our rests (we took 2) and use my inhaler. We finally reach the stairway to Heaven (which is where I figured they led cuz we couldnt see the top of them) and we see a man 40 years our senior running up and down them, voluntarily, as exercise! Now we felt dumb and out of shape. We finally make it to the top and see the...park? That patch of grass and benches? Hm, it was a nice view (seeing as we climbed to the top of the world) of Seattle...absolutely alllll of Seattle, but a park? It was a glorified lawn. People in that neighborhood had yards bigger than it! My mom's yard is bigger! We were happy to be there, though, so we took a seat and enjoyed the view. Wow, what a nice place. Oh wait, you dont know, cuz you werent there and we didnt even bring a camera for pictures. Daytrip fumble 86. So we sat for a while, watched the families with their kids run around and play and photograph, and then read a little bit. Were on this I-read-to-Donia-like-shes-a-child kick right now. So I think that what Ive checked out of the library is a book by comedic author Dave Sedaris. I open the book and begin reading one of his short essays, or so I think. Im getting thru it and not laughing, and neither is she. Im bored by the story, and not til I get to the end and read the words " husband..." do I shut the book and realize that some woman wrote the book! Some unfunny woman! Dave Sedaris, consequently, wrote the Forward, not the book! Stupid library! When I typed in to search books by him, they led me to that piece of garbage! I found myself frustrated that Id wasted 10 minutes suffering thru her boring childhood memories. What a misleading system this library is! (The CD thing is still cool, though, so...) After my wasted reading time, we climb back down the stairs and got on the closer bus and made it home safe and sound. I had half a mind to march straight to the library and return that crappy book an hour after Id picked it up, throwing it on the counter of the "informnation" desk, and scolding the geek behind the desk to "Get her shit straight!". I didnt, though, cuz Im not that mean, nor do I have roid rage, or anger management problems, or anyhting of the sort. Im so glad Im not one of those people that would actually go thru with a stunt like that. They do exist though, and thats sad to me. So, an end to a fun weekend and now its back to the grind. *HAHAHAHA...grind...thats funny. As if I have work...* Well, I feel Ive blabbed enough. Im sure you feel the same. Check back later in the week for a riveting blog with such topics as 'me needing new shoes' and 'what I ate for lunch'. Its sure to be a killer. Or the boredom'll kill ya, either one... xo |
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