Saturday, February 23, 2008

An apology...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just so you know, this blog is being written by a very regretful and sullen person. My name is Donia. Most of you may only know me as 'that other girl pictured with Leah' in most of her albums. I'll cut right to the point. Instead of reading a well thought out and rather witty blog by a one, Ms. Leah Dub, by a series of bad computer choices made by myself this morning, you are stuck reading a whole hearted, yet bordering on pathetic blog by me. Leah did in fact begin a blog this morning, 4 paragraphs of it completed. Yet due to my lack of attention and irresponsibility, that blog no longer exists. Leah took a break from her blogging to take a long overdue, much needed shower when just before entering the bathroom, she turned around towards me, took a deep breath and an overdramatic pause and said "I'm talking a shower. I started my blog, so DON'T shut the computer down." I thought perhaps she was taking me for a capricious, harebrained nitwit (yes'll catch on). I'm not stupid enough to do that. Well, as I began my morning full of overcreamed coffee and googling. I unfortunately, and as stated before, regretably used her "unfinished blog" window to further my research on Golden Garden's Park in Seattle. It took me 5 minutes and the silencing of the showerhead to realize the the window titled "myspace" no longer shown on my desktop. Leah's blog was no longer a work in progress.

I do apologize (again) for any inconvenience this may have caused to your morning, er afternoon. Hopefully a new and improved blog by Ms. Leah Dub will be coming soon. Please forgive my idiotness.

...and for a small sneak peak of the blog to come. Let's just say I'm not the only idiot in the house Now carry on...

A very, very sorry Donia Lee...

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