Friday, April 11, 2008
...and also with you. Thats one of the few things Ive retained from attending 3 Catholic masses in my life. The others being that the organ is such an annoying and depressing instrument, and I often wondered what was worn under those robes. Theyre old men, was it slippers and v-neck t's like my Pappy used to wear? On second thought, nevermind. I dont ever wanna know... So, speaking of religion...well, um, I am embarassed to admit that I am not too current on world events at the moment. Or ever. History was a bad subject in my family--no, not that we didnt like to talk about it. We didnt like to pass History classes! Every damn one of us kids did poorly, whether blood sibling or step, so it had nothing to do wit the genes. But I, my point was (surprisingly, youll see) that the Dalai Lama is in Seattle this weekend (told ya I got sidetracked). He is participating in something called Seeds of Compassion, a seminar teaching about, well, yeah, seeds of compassion. Anyway Im not sure how much it was to go see him, but I dont have tickets. I have to say I didnt wanna go cuz I know nothing about the Dalai Lama. Oprah loves him; I know hes all about peace and nonviolence; he's old and wears a red cape/sari/cloak/toga everywhere he goes (back to the "whats under there question...ew, again, nevermind). I probably should read up on him and keep up on world news more than I keep up on how many nights in a row Britney has gone to The Villa for dinner. I would be more fulfilled, Im sure. So, Im not seeing him, and this was probably a once-in-a-lifetime opp. The thing Im really bummed about is that Dave Matthews, (who lives here btw and Im gonna stalk one of these days when I get around to it), is performing with him. No, I dont think the Dalai will sing backup on one of his tracks or play Boyd's mini violin, I think Dave will talk and sing and Dalai will nod his head and smile and enjoy the magic Dave brings to the ears of his fans. Its just as well I dont go; the Lama's all about nonviolence, and let me tell you when i catch sight of Dave, despite what I promised to myself and you a while back, I will pounce. It wont be violence, but it will sure look like it... So these days TV is not a big part of my life, a goal I am achieving smashingly. L Word is over til Jan of 09, Lost has all these little mini hiatuses we have come to know and love (or hate), and A.I. is so last year for me--just not cutting it this season. I am forced to borrow TV show DVDs from the library and catch up on some gems that aired a while ago that I never caught (you could NOT commit to a show as a server, it was impossible. Unless you were Kerri and you were friends with the girl who did the schedule and you drank together and ate TB together and therefore that schedule girl gave you every Thursday night off for your obsession with Must See TV, circa 2004). I have now scene Seasons 1-3 and 5 of Sex and the City and let me say IM HOOKED! I never believed it was so good before! I think I half like it cuz its a good qualoty show and half like it cuz Carrie reminds me of Jess back home. I miss her so much that Ill take a SJP imitation of her over nothing. I also saw Season 7 of Will and Grace (I love Vince, but hate Leo), as well as repeated the other 6 seasons, which Donia had very little appreciation for. Now, whats my current nostalgic sitcom, you ask? The Golden Girls! Thats right--Bea, Betty, Rue and Estelle when I want them, anytime. Someday Ill tell you tales of how i long to dress as Dorothy when I grow older...but dont worry! I mean like in my 30s... Its funny that i could talk all about my job when I had no work, but now that I have things to do and stories to tell, confidentiality rears its ugly head and says "Stop! You may not regale your readers with stories of your exciting, fulfilling and interesting job! You signed a waiver!". So, I guess thats the extent of the paragrah about my job: I still have one. Im watching the news and I just saw a girl from the side that looked exactly like me when I was 13--awkward, lanky, frizzy bright red hair, and flat chested. Its only right I send her a pic of me now so shes not so devastated when she learns that the only thing that changes is they do get bigger, but at the price of weight gain. I will end this with a story of nightclubbing at the age of 27 and 3/4: I dont wanna do it anymore. Im done. Im not a spring chicken, and i cant hang. The dancing, the sweating, the making out, the humping, the drinking and the next morning---too much for this old bag. I need to quit now before Im turned away at the door for my Golden Girlesque fashions and my complaints to the doorman about how the music is 'just too loud'...
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