Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wipe your feet, and leave your ignorance at the door...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hair update: This, the 5th day since I did my hair, was almost my breaking point. The hair is really not as "manageable" as Id hoped for. I did get out my straightener though and used the "natural oils" in my hair as a straightening agent. Its, well, straight. I wouldnt classify it as "gross" yet, but im sure some would (my mother sometimes showers twice a day, you couldnt pay her enough to do what Im doing). Donia said that it "Smelled like pee". I dont take this assessment very seriously though because she thinks everything smells like pee. Anyway, Its getting close and I feel I will finally wet my head on Saturday before going out, you know, for everyone elses sake.
Ive been following the Heath Ledger story a lot these last couple days. There are so many more sad things here than just his death. That may sound strange and harsh, but this world is a scary and unjust place. My first gripe is with the photographers and cameras all over the places he was, and where his loved ones are now. Yes, I would not have my updates if I didnt see these pics, but I look at them and I am mad at myself for it. Theyll do anyhting to try to get the ex-gf and child on camera, which they have not been very successful in doing yet, but they are staked out in front of every place they might go just to get a what? Shell be crying, shell look sad, she wont give you a comment. In the videos you can hear people screaming to them "leave them alone!". But they dont. Some things should be kept sacred, but not even the death of someones son, brother, bf, father is sacred anymore. They should be left to grieve on their own.
My second gripe, for lack of a harsher word not yet in my vocabulary, is with these people that have been COMING OUT AND SAYING THEYRE GLAD HES DEAD BECAUSE OF BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN AND HIS INVOLVEMENT! They are mocking and ridiculing his death, publicly! A newsreporter from Fox News said on the air that he was a bad person and pretty much said, in not so many words, that hes better off. Another person who made a public statement was none other than THe Ultimate Warrior. Of WWF fame. He said that it was good he died becasue now his daughter does not have that bad influence in her life. Just disgusting.
Heres what I dont get, and we could debate this for days and still never get to say everything: These people are self proclaimed "Christians". They believe in God. The same God I and my family and friends and this country believes in. They read the Bible? Probably. Then why cant they see that the Bible says to love everyone. Not "everyone who you agree with" but everyone. The Bible also says we are not to judge, but God is to be the judge we answer to. Yes it says not to drink, to hurt your body, to have sex before marriage, all 10 commandments, and yes, if we are staying on topic, that man should be with woman. But does it say to persecute and hate and kill and wish ill to those who do commit these things? No. And it especially does not say to celebrate the death of someone who hurt no one, but just had different beliefs than you. Newsman, Ult War., all others who have this opinion: you are free to have it, but dont forget, you are just a human. You are no closer to God than anyone else. You are a man. You sin. You will be judged. Its just awful that these men have influence over others and can spread this hate to so many. I believe that if you believe in God you should preach his name to those you love, to those willing to listen, but that doesnt mean you will have the power to make them believe as you. You do your part, but everyone is left to believe as they wish.
I did not see that coming when they announced his death. Who could be so hateful and cruel. Not Gods children.
A man on Ellen today, a doctor that wrote a book about being and living by love and not hate, said that the Native Americans had a saying: "No tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves..." Youll recognize it as my new quote. Just think about it. We were not put here to fight each other and hate. We were put here to do good for everyone else and ourselves. We are all the same. Same feelings, same organs, same things kill us as keep us alive. Yet we all feel more worthy or more deserving of things, we all want money and power and recognition and to be right and to prove our point and no one stops to see what we all have in common. Lots Im sure, if we just looked.
Sorry this blog is such a downer, its meant to actually uplift. I watched the movie A Mighty Heart today and it inspired me, along with my sadness at the comments of these rightous religious groups, to say what I felt on equality and love. I hope that some people think about it and maybe see where they could make a difference in their lives. I try to do it as much as possible.
Hopping down off my soap box now. Hope I dont injure my ankle again...
Disregard this if it angers you or makes you upset. You have the choice to read it or not. It is not meant to offend, or preach, in any way. I guess this is just what they call "blogging".
For more info on those comments made by the men mentioned, go to Yes, he does celebrity gossip, but he is not using any photos of the familys of Heath Ledger. Ther is also info for those who would like to tell Fox News how inappropriate it was to let such commnets on the air. Then again, freedom of speech goes both ways, I guess. Use your power for good

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